How old where you when you started doing music?
Singing-forever. But I really got a crush and fell in love with it when I was 15. I learned how to play guitar and started writing my own songs.
How would you put your music style?
A little bit of everything. I like to explore as much as I can with music but ultimately pop is the genre I really like to get down with.
What do you think sets you apart from any other female musician?
The fact that I can read minds… also I am so real with my lyrics and style of writing. Everything is 100% me and it’s something I hold onto with a passion.
Any inspirations in music for you?
I get so amped up on other musicians it’s unreal. I went to a Katy Perry concert one time and was like, “Oh my God this girl is awesome, I want to make amazing music and play in front of thousands of people also!” Seeing other people have the same love for music really gets me inspired.
Could you tell me about Mollie from the song Unsinkable Mollie?
She is the smartest, most talented, weirdest girl I know-she’s my best friend! I have known her since 5th grade and we do everything together. She is the kind of friend that says things at the same time you do, dances like a fool with you, and knows all the weird quirks
about you no one else does. I wrote a song about her because I like to write about things happening in my life and why not write something about my BFF? It was fun!
Why the word Unsinkable?
To me the word means nothing can get you down, you show ultimate strength, and positivity! I dig the word and that’s how I perceive my best friend, Mollie to be. Also it’s good for everyone else to try and be Unsinkable… but wear a life vest just incase!
What are your thoughts on the local Texas music scene?
I love it personally! I met so many of my friends through the Dallas music scene by playing shows with them. I remember one time playing a show and a bunch of local band guys flooded to the front and were screaming my name and singing along with me, I got a kick out of it.
What lyrics do you feel the closest to? Lyrics of my own?
I would have to say every lyric in my song “Over You” writing it and recording it was a blast. I totally used so many emotions in that song and hearing other girls tell me “This reminds me of my ex, I love it!” was the cherry on top.
Any plans for touring any soon?
Right now I am focused on recording new songs and then yes, I want to tour so bad! And I know it will happen soon… I can’t wait to meet new fans and spread my music out to everyone.
Any artist that you’re thankful to have grown with?
Right now I am doing cartwheels for the band Runner Runner. Can’t express how much I love those guys and how talented they are! And Colbie Caillat I have to give mad props to. I remember when I first heard her music I was so stoked on her…I saw her in concert and a year later I actually met her! We took a picture sticking our tongues out at the camera and I jammed her new CD the entire way home singing at the top of my lungs. It was one of my favorite days ever.
What music do you listen to?
I really like to jam Katy Perry, La Roux, Black Eyed Peas, The Beach Boys, and Lights. Total feel good music that makes me feel on top of the world…can’t beat that! I would like to have a giant group hug with all of them.
Where do you see yourself in the next two years?
I would love to be on some amazing tours with other amazing musicians, on the radio, on MTV, having my album in every store, accepting a Grammy, and high fiving every family member, friend, and fan that believed in me! Hey…a girl can dream can’t she? 🙂