Blue October
The Fillmore
Detroit, MI
April 13, 2024
Saturday night was a busy night in Detroit. The Detroit Tigers were playing just across the street and the Fillmore was almost sold out to the doors. Blue October, a rock band from Houston, who has been around since 1995 took the stage shortly after 9pm to the sound of roaring fans and started their set with “Sobriety” off “Spinning the Truth Around: II” the latest album by Blue October.
It is a triple album, released in three separate parts. Part I was released on October 14, 2022. Part II was released one year later on October 13, 2023, with Part III to follow in 2024.
Frontman Justin Furstenfeld told the audience “I want to celebrate the fact that YOU are here” and the audience definitely wanted to celebrate the fact the band was there as well.
The band played 6 songs off their newest release as well as songs of most of their previous releases. The fans appreciated the variety and sang along to every song.
They ended the set with their most popular single “I hope You’re Happy” and I had the feeling that EVERYONE left the venue very, very happy.
I’ll Do Me, You Do You
Magic Isn’t Real
Say It
Into the Ocean
Oh My My
All That We Are
Leave Room for a Miracle
Don’t Say It Wasn’t Love
Shut Up I Want You to Love Me Back
Down Here Waiting
Moving On (So Long)
Hate Me
Everything We Lost in the Fire
A Better Man
I Hope You’re Happy