The Cleopatra Club has released their first single “Pray” which is off of their upcoming EP The Neon Collection. Be sure to watch the video below! In addition, Matt & Stephen from the group has a guest blog to share!
Why Pop Music?
For starters, both of us are huge fans of pop culture in general. Music, television, movies, etc. normally makes up about 95% of what we discuss when we’re together. As for the other 5%…a blog is not the appropriate place to disclose that information…at least not this blog. 😉
We never quite understood why so many people have a look of disgust on their face when they hear someone mutter the word “pop.” We’re all too use to hearing things like, “that band is too ‘pop’ or ‘mainstream’ for me.” I guess some people view the genre of “pop” as some sort of creative cop out. So let us explain why WE personally decided to be a ‘pop’ act and stray from what our contemporaries are doing.
As teens from New Jersey, we’re often asked, why not pop-punk or pop-rock? These two genres seem to be as far as some are willing to go in incorporating the word pop to music that is played with real instruments. So I guess our answer to those people would be: because that would be too predictable. Teen musicians in a pop-punk band are all too common from where we come from. We believe great artists should always look to be different and not play in a genre just because everyone is doing it. We’d like to thank acts like Daft Punk and Bruno Mars who bucked the system last year with songs like “Get Lucky” and “Treasure” on the airwaves. We formed when those songs were at their peak and they really gave us the confidence to infuse genres like soul, funk, and disco regularly into our music, while also keeping the integrity of using real instruments and not relying heavily on fake synth sounds. By paying homage to the great dance music of past decades and adding our own twist to it, we hope to show people that our brand of pop can kick your ass and make you move.
So rather than sit and ask, “why pop music?” ask if you’re ready for its new sound. If you are…It’s nice to meet you. We’re The CleopatraClub.
-Matt & Stephen